In order to create an SSL Certificate for test purpose you can bind to a web site in IIS, you do not need anymore certutil or makecert.
Windows 2012 R2 PowerShell has a commandlet you can use for this purpose.
This simple command, for example, create a SSL Cert using 2048 key lenght and valid for 5 years.
-KeyLength 2048 -NotAfter (Get-Date).AddYears(5) -certstorelocation
"cert:\localmachine\my" -dnsname youfqdnwebappname
This cert will be stored in "localmachine\my" and can be used in IIS binding.
You can find more info and parameters here:
Pay attention that the same command on Windows 2012 (not R2 version) do not have the same parameters. For example you cannot use -NotAfter parameter. This means that you certificate will have a validity of only one year (that one is the default).