Monday, February 18, 2013

Windows 2102 NLB and Loop Back Adapter

If you need to configure NLB on two or more IIS web server on Windows 2012, what you need is probably install "Microsoft LoopBack Adapter" network driver.
On this version of Windows, the correct name of this adapter is "Microsoft KM-TEST Loopback Adapter". If you need how to install this, you can check this kb article.


After sucessfully setup the adapter, you need to assign to IPv4 Stack on each front-end the same virtual IP Address, using as network mask.

No need to define default gateway. No other protocol should be activated on this adapter. Only IPv4.

After that (no reboot required at all), you need to issue three command on each front-end in order to make everything working (this step was not necessary on Windows Server version prior 2008).

netsh interface ipv4 set interface "Ethernet" weakhostreceive=enabled
netsh interface ipv4 set interface "LoopBack" weakhostreceive=enabled
netsh interface ipv4 set interface "LoopBack" weakhostsend=enabled

Use instead of "Ethernet" and "LoopBack" the right names of your network interface.

Happy load balancing.

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